Case: 48 year old male presented to ER with Shortness of Breath. CXR showed massive left sided pleural effusion. ER physician inserted chest tube but to surprise white milky fluid get drained from chest. You made diagnosis of "Nontraumatic" Chylothorax. What are the 5 major causes of "Nontraumatic" Chylothorax?
- Lymphoma
- cirrhosis,
- tuberculosis,
- sarcoidosis,
- amyloidosis
Pseudochylothorax: Chylothorax must be distinguished from pseudochylothorax, or cholesterol pleurisy, which results from accumulation of cholesterol crystals in a chronic existing effusion. The most common cause of pseudochylothorax is chronic rheumatoid pleurisy, followed by tuberculosis and poorly treated empyema.